Category: Pest Control


Dealing with Wasp Nests this Summer

As we bask in summer’s glow, we might also hear the incessant buzzing coming from flying insects, most notably wasps. These stinging insects can become … Continue Reading


Protecting Your Pets from Fleas and Ticks

As pet owners, we always want to make sure that the health and well-being of our fur-babies is a top priority. One of the most … Continue Reading


Keeping Cockroaches Away From Your Business

Cockroaches are the stuff of nightmares. They are especially a nightmare for business owners. If you see one of them inside your facility, it is … Continue Reading


What to Expect at Your Termite Inspection

Termite inspections play a crucial role in safeguarding properties against the destructive impact of termite infestations and preserving their value and structural integrity. Collectively, across … Continue Reading


Preventing Rodents in the Winter

If you are relying on cats to solve your rodent issues at home this winter, you might already be out of nine lives. Preventing rodents … Continue Reading


2024 Pest Trends: Rise of the Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are on the rise again! Recently, there have been several news reports of significant issues in Paris, Las Vegas, and around the world! … Continue Reading


When is Termite Season?

While termites are often seen only during swarming activity it’s important to know that termite season and termite colonies are always active.  Proactive year-round treatment … Continue Reading


Cockroach Elimination and Roach Prevention

If you live in an area of the country that is warm and humid, it’s almost guaranteed that you have either had a cockroach infestation, … Continue Reading


Spiders Are NOT Just for Halloween Season

Spiders are often associated with Halloween for several reasons.  Sometimes it’s due to folklore, other times it’s symbolism.  Or it could be something as simple … Continue Reading


Rodent Control 101: Tips for Keeping Mice and Rats Out of Your Home

Everyone is getting prepared for cooler weather… including the rodents!  Keeping mice and rats out of your home involves a combination of preventative measures and, … Continue Reading


Mosquitoes in the Fall

Even as summer waves goodbye, that doesn’t mean the pests leave us alone. Case in point, mosquitoes are still a major nuisance in the fall. … Continue Reading


How to Get Rid of Flies in Your Garage

Do you find yourself waving your hands around your face in your garage? Don’t worry, you haven’t lost your mind. However, you probably have a … Continue Reading