Category: Pest Control

American Cockroach

Cockroaches: Why They Are So Hard to Control

Cockroaches are some of the most adaptable pests on Earth. These long-despised creepy creatures have been around for more than 280 million years, and in … Continue Reading

when is mosquito season

When Is Mosquito Season?

Now that the summer rainy season is around the corner, it’s more important than ever to take steps to avoid mosquitoes when you’re outside and … Continue Reading


Have Clothes Moths Been Eating Holes in Your Favorite Sweater?

With the holidays rapidly approaching, many of us are pulling out our favorite sweaters, coats and scarves in anticipation of cooler temperatures and holiday travel. … Continue Reading


Creepy Cockroaches Lurk in Dark Places

What is brown, has six legs, and loves to sneak into your home? A cockroach. There are more than 69 different types of roaches throughout … Continue Reading


Silverfish and How You Can Deal With Them

 It is never pleasant to be unpacking a box full of decorations from the attic or even opening a drawer only to jump at the … Continue Reading


Expect Increased Pest Activty in Fall & Winter

The extended summer pest activity, combined with the high pressure expected from fall pests, will make the upcoming seasons particularly pest heavy. The National Pest … Continue Reading


Tips To Prevent Pests After A Storm

Tips To Prevent Pests After A Storm Massey Services offers a few tips to help prevent pest issues after the storm: Make sure your window … Continue Reading


Oh Rats: Close Off Any Crawl Spaces

If your home has small openings to the great outdoors, even cracks and crevices, insects and furry pests, like rats and mice — could be making … Continue Reading


Human Head Lice: What You Need To Know

No one ever wants to receive a phone call from school explaining to them their child has head lice, but unfortunately it is all too … Continue Reading


It’s Peak Season for Wasps

With the Back to School season in full force, summer is quickly fading from our minds. But the heat and pests of summer will be … Continue Reading


Prevent Bed Bugs in Dorm Rooms

Back to school! It’s that time of year when college campuses are filled with the hustle and bustle of new students moving into their dorm … Continue Reading


The Facts on Bed Bugs

The old-time expression “don’t let the bed bugs bite” has taken on a new meaning recently as these unwanted guests can hitchhike their way into … Continue Reading