Category: Pest Control


Ant Activity On The Rise This Year

Fluctuating temperatures and rainy weather have led to a hotbed of ant activity across the southeast, and not just in yards, but also in homes. … Continue Reading


Avoid Furry Pests From Entering Your Home

If your home has small openings to the great outdoors, even cracks and crevices, insects and furry pests, like rats and mice — could be making … Continue Reading


Rodents and Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome

Rodents and Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome are a duo that no one should ever encounter. According to Human Diseases and Conditions, the Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome is … Continue Reading


Tips for Choosing the Best Pest Prevention Company

Not all pest control programs are created equal. While many programs claim that they can keep your home or business pest-free, the methods to achieve … Continue Reading


The Health Risk of Rodents

They surprise us by suddenly appearing, tiny eyes and long tails, squeaking as we scream. Just the appearance of rats and mice can scare us. … Continue Reading


Bird Benefits: It’s National Bird Day!

National Bird Day takes place on January 5 each year to coincide with a three-week long citizen science survey that helps monitor the health of … Continue Reading


Learn How to Avoid Furry Pests During Rodent Awareness Week

As the seasons change, homeowners aren’t the only ones looking to keep warm indoors. In fact, many homeowners may start to notice they have unwanted … Continue Reading


Heat and Summer Rain Bring Cockroaches

The hot summer weather has arrived and so have the bugs! This includes cockroaches, and according to the Smithsonian, there are 4,500 different species of cockroaches … Continue Reading


Pest Management Companies Prepare for Zika

The Orlando Sentinel recently ran a front-page article about Massey Services and other pest management companies preparing for an increase in demand for mosquito abatement … Continue Reading


Keep Rodents Out During the Winter Months

After an unseasonably warm fall, even Southern climates are beginning to experience cooler weather. As temperatures fall, squirrels, rats, mice and even larger mammals such as raccoons … Continue Reading


Prevent Silverfish From Eating Your Paper Treasures

While bringing down and storing your holiday decorations, you may have stirred up silverfish that have taken up residence in your attic. These soft, scaly, … Continue Reading


Flea Control is not Just for the Dogs and Cats

The same fleas that bite your pets will also bite you, leaving a red, itchy spot and you seeking relief. Controlling and eliminating fleas from … Continue Reading