Ant Activity On The Rise This Year

Fluctuating temperatures and rainy weather have led to a hotbed of ant activity across the southeast, and not just in yards, but also in homes.


Bob Belmont, Board Certified Entomologist, and the Pest Control Technical & Training Director for Massey Services, notes that ants are year-round pests across the Southeastern states and ant activity can be relentless, even throughout the winter months.

Types of Ants To Look Out For

antWe may easily spot a trail of ants indoors because ants such as the Ghost ant, which typically nest outside in plant materials near a building’s foundation, can form colonies in the thousands in wall voids, behind cabinetry and in dark voids.
antWhite-footed ant colonies may also reside in walls and under attic insulation, though they are most commonly found in decaying plant materials or within palm fronds, leaf litter and hollow plant stems.
Argentine antsCaribbean Crazy ants and Red Imported Fire Ants can also move indoors in search of food and water, especially if disturbed by heavy rainfall.

Massey Services can help prevent these ants from taking up permanent residence. CLICK HERE to contact us for a free, no obligation pest inspection.