Category: Rodent Control


Why Do Mice Come Into My Home in the Summer?

Why Do Mice Come in My Home During the Summer?  Summer is typically known as a time of relaxation and fun. But while we’re having … Continue Reading


No Matter the Season, Rodents Find a Reason (to get inside your home)

As the seasons change, homeowners aren’t the only ones looking to stay cozy indoors. In fact, many homeowners may notice they have unwanted house guests … Continue Reading


Rodent Awareness Week

As winter approaches, homeowners aren’t the only ones looking to keep warm indoors. In fact, many homeowners may start to notice they have unwanted house … Continue Reading


Holiday Pests: There’s a Mouse in the House

While many of us will open the doors to family and friends this holiday season, we might not realize we may also be welcoming rodents … Continue Reading


Avoid Furry Pests From Entering Your Home

If your home has small openings to the great outdoors, even cracks and crevices, insects and furry pests, like rats and mice — could be making … Continue Reading