Mosquitoes in the Fall
Even as summer waves goodbye, that doesn’t mean the pests leave us alone. Case in point, mosquitoes are still a major nuisance in the fall. Mosquitoes are resilient and can thrive in cooler temperatures better than we think. While they do their best biting work during the summer, especially at night, when it comes to autumn, mosquitoes prefer the warmest part of the daylight hours.
Did you know that mosquitoes and bears have something in common in colder states? Hibernation, as they prep for the upcoming winter months. The process is called diapause. During this dormancy period, mosquitoes stop all development, but they will be ready to get back to sucking our blood come springtime.
Unfortunately, in the southeastern part of the nation, you can’t wait around for frosty temps to save the day. In this article we will go over some clever ways to avoid mosquitoes in the fall.
Eliminate Standing Water – You should regularly empty all containers that collect water around your home. The most common spots mosquitos like to buzz around are clogged gutters, flowerpots and bird baths. Mosquitoes are attracted to standing water because it makes breeding easier for them. They lay their eggs in standing water and will continue to do so through the cooler fall months.
Clothing/Covering – While it is much tougher to wear long sleeves during the summer to avoid mosquito bites, at least in the fall we can wear long sleeves for two purposes: 1) staying warm 2) avoiding mosquito bites! It might also be time to switch from shorts to jeans, for the same reasons. If for some reason you aren’t covering up your arms and legs during autumn, please remember to apply mosquito repellent.
Netting/Screens – If you have any type of outdoor seating area at your home, you might consider using mosquito netting or screens. Even during the fall months, it is important to create a barrier between you and these pests. With screens specifically, make sure the holes are very small. Keeping mosquitoes out with nets and screens can help you avoid their itchy bites.
These helpful tips against these ectothermic creatures can go a long way, but that does not mean you are in the clear as the temperature dips. While cool weather can reduce mosquito activity, you still need to know the risky diseases they carry.
Mosquitoes will adapt to cooler climates, including regions with mild winters. This means they can be a threat all year-round! Malaria and West Nile virus have seen a rise in cases recently. Some experts believe that we may see more cases of these viruses in the United States, due to extended warmer climates. You can hope to not get bitten, but if you truly want to put the “quit” in mosquito, you will need professional mosquito control.
Massey Service’s Mosquito Programs target mosquitoes where they live and breed. We start with a free inspection of your property, and then we treat high-risk areas such as dense vegetation, under patio decks and other damp areas with poor air circulation. We pay particular attention to those stagnant water areas that were mentioned earlier in this article.
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Categorized: Pest Control, Massey Tips
Tagged: Mosquito Control, Pest Tips, Pest inspection, pest, Mosquitoes, Pest Control