Category: Lawn and Landscape


Whitefly Alert in South Florida

Are your trees and shrubs starting to look unhealthy? Whiteflies could be the culprit. The pin-head sized insect from South America tends to favor the … Continue Reading


Water Conservation – Don’t Let Precious Water Flow Away

Your home or business probably has an irrigation system, right? You just set the timer and it does the job of giving your lawn and … Continue Reading


Tips on Maintaining a Healthy Landscape

Maintaining a beautiful and healthy landscape can be challenging, especially in the Southeast due to the drastic weather we experience throughout the year. Here are … Continue Reading


Is Your Irrigation System Working Properly?

Is your lawn and landscape getting enough water? Or is it getting too much? With our weather, sometimes it’s hard to predict if your lawn … Continue Reading


Has the Cold Weather Affected Your Landscape?

This winter, we have encountered several nights of freezing temperatures in our areas of Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas and the cold temperatures aren’t over … Continue Reading


Freeze Alert – How to be Prepared

This week the forecast is calling for freezing temperatures which can result in severe and sometimes permanent damage to lawns, trees and shrubs. Here are … Continue Reading