Category: Lawn and Landscape


What is soil conditioning?

There are a lot of ways that you can treat your lawn in order to make it healthier, stronger and more beautiful. Weather conditions can … Continue Reading


How to Prevent Lawn Weeds

How to Prevent Lawn Weeds It can feel like a constant battle to get rid of lawn weeds, which can be labor intensive and time … Continue Reading

The Most Common Lawn Weeds

What Are The Most Common Lawn Weeds?

Some of us may be looking at our landscapes and vowing that this year, “I will have a beautiful, healthy landscape.” Fortunately, this dream can … Continue Reading


Dryer Weather Causes Brown Spots in Lawns

While some parts of the country are dealing with excess rainfall, other regions have been especially dry. The dryer weather can make the slightest irrigation … Continue Reading


Eight Tips for a Lake Friendly Landscape

Proper landscape care and healthy landscapes help our environment. But how? Fertile green spaces reduce pollutants and dust in the air, minimize heat buildup, convert … Continue Reading


Are Those Circles in My Lawn Brown Patch Fungus?

Is your lawn dotted with large yellow or brown circles? A fungus in your lawn’s soil might be the reason for these spots. November is a … Continue Reading


Myths vs. Reality: Lawn Care & Maintenance

Have you ever wondered when the right time to apply fertilizer to your yard is or whether it’s okay to cut the grass really short? … Continue Reading


How Do We Effectively Handle Weeds?

Everybody loves a lush, green and healthy looking lawn, but growing and maintaining a beautiful landscape requires constant care and attention. At Massey Services, we … Continue Reading


Shrub Damaging Insects

 Having shrubs planted around our homes can create a beautiful, appealing landscape. But do your shrubs ever have a look like they just aren’t doing … Continue Reading

sod webworm

Summer Lawn Alert – Sod Webworms

Sod Webworms can be serious pests for your lawn…and because of the summer rains and heat, the most severe damage usually occurs now. You’ve worked … Continue Reading


Beneficial Bugs for our Gardens

Pests can be very annoying but at the same time, some of them can be very beneficial for us. There are a variety of bugs … Continue Reading


Is Zoysia Grass Right for My Lawn?

Zoysia are finer textured than St. Augustine grasses and have a softer feel. They are slower growing and produce less leaf clippings than St. Augustine … Continue Reading