What is soil conditioning?
There are a lot of ways that you can treat your lawn in order to make it healthier, stronger and more beautiful. Weather conditions can significantly impact our lawns and encourage pesky weeds to grow and spread. However, one of the ways to help your lawn stay strong and continue to grow is by ensuring your soil is healthy. This can be done by applying a soil conditioner.
What is soil conditioner?
A soil conditioner is a material which measurably improves specific soil characteristics. It can also be used to increase plant growth. Simply put, soil conditioning is used to improve or rebuild soil to help provide the right conditions for seed germination and root proliferation – also known as “tilth”.
Is soil conditioning the same thing as fertilizing?
The answer is no. Fertilizers add nutrients to soils while soil conditioners are used to change and improve the soil. Soil conditioning improves soil health and helps maintain conditions optimal for plant growth. It includes organic matter that supplies a wide array of nutrients and microorganisms. Soil conditioning provides benefits such as pH balancing and synergistic microorganisms that fertilizers do not provide.
How do I know if I need soil conditioning?
Since soil conditioning is used to increase the health of your soil, the only way to determine if you need soil conditioning is to have your soil tested. Soil testing will tell you the current pH level of your soil. Your soil pH explains your soil’s ability to absorb nutrients and how it breaks down organic matter and treatments. Having a professional test your soil is highly recommended as they will provide an analysis and recommendation on your soil and if it needs conditioning or additional treatments.
How long does it take for soil conditioning to work?
The effects of soil conditioning vary per lawn and landscape. Some may see improvement within days while others can see it within a few weeks or a month.
“When we tested COMAND®‘s soil conditioning product, we began to see improvements within a week. We saw plant growth within two weeks and within a month, we saw 85% improvement in the lawn area we were testing,” said Dr Eric A. Brown, Director of Agronomy for Massey Services.
How frequently do I need to have a soil conditioning treatment?
Research indicates that soil conditioning should be applied once per year to maintain optimum conditions. Soil conditioning, in conjunction with a regular inspection and service by a qualified provider, is the best way to achieve a high-quality landscape.
Does soil conditioning have a negative impact on the environment?
No. Soil conditioning is completely natural as it is made of organic matter. The organic matter helps the environment by naturally improving the health of your soil and increasing nutrient and water retention of your lawn and landscape. Additionally, healthy plants in our urban landscape protect our bodies of water and our environment.
By having your soil conditioned on an annual basis, you are helping to maintain a healthy soil so that your grass and plants can thrive while looking beautiful at the same time! Best of all, you’re helping your environment because healthy plants help clean the air, trap carbon dioxide, reduce erosion from storm water runoff, improve soil, decrease noise pollution and reduce temperatures.
If you’re looking to transform your lawn and landscape into a healthy, beautiful and thriving atmosphere, CLICK HERE today to schedule a free inspection and talk to one of our professionals about how our maintenance and soil conditioning program can help you!