Massey Services Blog

Massey News Blog

Tips, Tricks and Helpful Information


The Facts on this Year’s Drought with Adam Jones

We’ve all been reading in the news lately about Florida being in a drought this spring. See what an expert has to say about this … Continue Reading


The Importance of Proper Irrigation

If your irrigation system isn’t functioning properly, it could be costing you money, harming your landscape and wasting one of our most precious resources. Proper … Continue Reading


Asian Lady Beetles – From Beneficial Bug to Pest

While ladybugs are considered cute and pretty, the Asian lady beetle is anything but cute. Overview of Asian Lady Beetles Multicolored Asian lady beetles (Harmonia axyridis … Continue Reading


The Truth Behind The Brown Recluse Spider

One of the most common phobias in the world today is arachnophobia, or the fear of spiders. Not many people enjoy coming face to face … Continue Reading


Give Your Lawn And Landscape The Right Attention

Proper mowing and watering dramatically impact the health of your lawn.   Lawn Care Tips: Mow frequently. Don’t remove more than 1/3rd  of the leaf … Continue Reading


Water Conservation Month!

Did you know April is Water Conservation Month? With all the ways you can save money on your water bill by reducing the amount of … Continue Reading


The Importance of Renewable Termite Protection

Termites cause over $5 billion dollars of damage to homes annually in the United States. That’s more than tornadoes, fires and earthquakes combined.   In … Continue Reading


The Painful Bite of a Fire Ant

No ant is fun to have around but for the most part, ants can typically be pretty harmless. But if there is one ant you … Continue Reading


Facts and Fiction about Honey Bees

To prove that good things come in small packages, we thought it would be fun to share some facts and fiction about honey bees.   … Continue Reading


Is Your Landscape Drowning?

Despite drought conditions, one of the more common problems homeowners have is drowning their landscape by over-watering. Usually, causes are related to improper irrigation, such as … Continue Reading


Weird Bug Facts

While most people are terrified of bugs, others find them, well, completely gross! Regardless of whether you like insects or not, these creepy crawlers are estimated to … Continue Reading


Pest Spring Cleaning Tips

Now that Spring has sprung and warmer weather is on it’s way, its good to prepare for an increase in pest activity around your home. … Continue Reading