The Importance of Proper Irrigation

If your irrigation system isn’t functioning properly, it could be costing you money, harming your landscape and wasting one of our most precious resources.

Proper irrigation is critical to the health of your lawn and landscape. Under-watering can impact the roots of your grass and shrubs, leading to increased chinch bug activity. Over-watering encourages fungus and disease such as brown patch and root rot, as well as uncontrollable weeds such as crabgrass and sedge.

Since our irrigation systems typically run in the early morning, you may not know there is something wrong with your system until the damage has already been done. Be sure to check your irrigation system monthly to ensure sprinklers are working properly and providing the right coverage.

A properly functioning irrigation system should provide head-to-head coverage for your lawn and landscape. For a detailed demonstration on what this looks like, check out our short video on The Importance of Checking and Adjusting Your Irrigation System.

Five Signs You Need Sprinkler Repair Services

If you notice any of the following signs in your lawn, you need an irrigation maintenance and sprinkler repair service before it’s too late:

  1. A dull, bluish-gray coloring to your grass
  2. Foot tracks that appear to be embedded in the grass
  3. Leaf blades that are wilted and folded in half
  4. Dry, crumbly soil around the roots of your grass
  5. Brown areas within the lawn

More importantly, proper irrigation helps our environment through water conservation and can help save you money. Misdirected sprinklers can waste our precious water supply and add unnecessary cost to your water bill.

proper irrigationNot sure where to start? Contact the experts at Massey Services by clicking here to schedule a free, no obligation irrigation inspection!