Category: Massey Tips


Holiday Pests: There’s a Mouse in the House

While many of us will open the doors to family and friends this holiday season, we might not realize we may also be welcoming rodents … Continue Reading


Are Those Circles in My Lawn Brown Patch Fungus?

Is your lawn dotted with large yellow or brown circles? A fungus in your lawn’s soil might be the reason for these spots. November is a … Continue Reading


Have Clothes Moths Been Eating Holes in Your Favorite Sweater?

With the holidays rapidly approaching, many of us are pulling out our favorite sweaters, coats and scarves in anticipation of cooler temperatures and holiday travel. … Continue Reading


Creepy Cockroaches Lurk in Dark Places

What is brown, has six legs, and loves to sneak into your home? A cockroach. There are more than 69 different types of roaches throughout … Continue Reading


It’s National Good Neighbor Day, Pass It On!

National Good Neighbor Day celebrates the importance of good neighbors. It’s great to have a good neighbor…someone who lends a helping hand, watches out for … Continue Reading


Go Green and Save Some Green!

Massey Services has been committed to providing environmentally responsible services for over 20 years and constantly works to produce new initiatives to protect the environment. … Continue Reading


Tips for Planting Bee-Friendly Gardens

As we recognize honey bees and their contribution to our food supply, here are a few tips for creating a pollinator-friendly habitat in your garden! … Continue Reading


Homeowner Tips to Prevent Pests from Getting Inside

Pests can find their way into our homes through avenues that are so tiny or hidden from our sight that we don’t even know they … Continue Reading


Shrub Damaging Insects

 Having shrubs planted around our homes can create a beautiful, appealing landscape. But do your shrubs ever have a look like they just aren’t doing … Continue Reading


Beneficial Bugs for our Gardens

Pests can be very annoying but at the same time, some of them can be very beneficial for us. There are a variety of bugs … Continue Reading


The Black Widow Spider: Facts & Prevention

The black widow spider is found in every state except Alaska and is considered to be one of the most recognizable pests in the world. … Continue Reading


Is Zoysia Grass Right for My Lawn?

Zoysia are finer textured than St. Augustine grasses and have a softer feel. They are slower growing and produce less leaf clippings than St. Augustine … Continue Reading