Category: Massey Tips


Massey Services Offers Tips To Avoid Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

Mosquitoes, more specifically the mosquito-borne Zika virus disease, have been in the news a lot lately. Mosquitoes have been around for millions of years and … Continue Reading


Storing Holiday Decorations

As the holidays draw to a close, many of us will be tasked with taking down and storing holiday decorations until next year. The attics … Continue Reading


Recycle Your Christmas Tree

Real Christmas trees are green in both the traditional and modern sense of the the word. The National Christmas Tree Association suggests the following tips … Continue Reading


Prepare Your Home Before Holiday Travels

If you’re planning a holiday vacation, it’s important to make sure you prepare your home before you leave. Insurers offer the following tips to protect … Continue Reading


Flu Prevention – Avoiding the Latest Bug

It’s that time of year. The holidays are upon us, and the extra stress and exposure to crowds of people can make us more susceptible … Continue Reading


Flood Waters Have Receded – What’s Next?

Dallas has been hit by heavy rains that left behind flooded homes and businesses. Now that the waters have receded and everyone will be dealing … Continue Reading


Decking the Halls Can Bring Unwelcome Holiday Pests

Once we recover from the effects of our Thanksgiving feast, many of us will haul out the decorations and head to our favorite tree lot … Continue Reading


April Showers Bring Pests, Termites, Weeds and Mosquitoes!

Get ready – we are gearing up for our biggest sales event of the spring this week! Take advantage of our great savings now so … Continue Reading


Termites Eating Away at Your Investment

You searched for the perfect home in the perfect neighborhood, making one of the largest financial investments you’ll ever make in your lifetime. Unfortunately, termites … Continue Reading


Tips to Avoid Roaches

Here’s a riddle. What is brown, has six legs, and loves to sneak into your home? The answer is no laughing matter – it’s a … Continue Reading


Termite Prevention is Critical

While vacuuming around the house, you may bump into baseboards, trying to suck up every last piece of dirt from the floor. But what if … Continue Reading


Tips for Protection Against Termites

It doesn’t matter if your home is made of brick, block or stucco. Or even if it’s built on a concrete slab. The truth is, … Continue Reading