Tag: Termites

what to do when termites swarm

How to Prevent Termite Swarms

Over the last few weeks, Louisiana and Florida have experience an influx of uninvited guests. Termite Swarms are back and they aren’t going away without … Continue Reading


Signs of Termite Infestation: How to Spot the Damage

The average cost of termite damage is over $5,000.  Imagine losing thousands of dollars due to termites! Even more shocking, according to the National Pest Management … Continue Reading


What Do Flying Termites Look Like?

Spotting a swarm of flying insects could be flying termites and is an immediate red flag for most homeowners, so you’re probably already on alert … Continue Reading


Termite Protection

Termites are often a silent, invisible destroyer, as termite damage can go unnoticed until the problems they cause have already become an emergency. By enrolling … Continue Reading

what to do when termites swarm

What Do You Do if You See a Termite Swarm?

Termite Swarms Are a Sign To Get Help When termites swarm indoors, it can be a traumatic experience for any homeowner. Termites infest wooden construction … Continue Reading


What Do Termites Look Like

Believe it or not, termites have been around for over 100 million years. If you come across a termite, you may mistake it for an … Continue Reading

what to do when you see a termite swarm

How Do Termites Use Pheromones?

It’s all about communication. We use words, actions and body language to communicate with other people. But with animals and pests, it’s not as simple. … Continue Reading


What Can You Expect After A Hurricane?

Structural damage isn’t the only problem that hurricanes and tropical storms can leave behind. Pests such as ants and mosquitoes can be a large problem … Continue Reading


Expect Increased Pest Activty in Fall & Winter

The extended summer pest activity, combined with the high pressure expected from fall pests, will make the upcoming seasons particularly pest heavy. The National Pest … Continue Reading


Termites Can Attack A Brick Home Too!

So you have a brick home and think it’s impervious to termites? Think again! Every year, termites cause millions of dollars in damage to homes … Continue Reading


Home Maintenance Tips to Prevent Termites

During the holidays, many of us are working to prepare our homes for parties and house guests. This increased focus on our homes makes this a good … Continue Reading


Home Maintenance Can Reduce Risk of Termites

Many of us are already thinking about getting our homes ready for the holidays, so now is a good time to think about things that … Continue Reading

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