State: Alabama

Bed Bug - Massey Services

Bed Bugs

(1/8” – 3/16”) Adult bed bugs are reddish brown, flattened, oval and wingless, with a banded appearance. In the daytime, they tend to stay out of the light, preferring to remain hidden in such places as mattress seams, bed frames, nearby furniture, carpeting, baseboards, or bedroom clutter.

what to do when termites swarm

Subterranean Termite

(Length: 1/8″ – 3/8″) These are social insects living in colonies in the soil. The colony is made up of workers, soldiers and reproductives. Subterranean termite colonies feed on wood or other cellulose material such as paper, cardboard and fiberboard.

American Cockroach

American Cockroach

(Length: 1 3/8″ – 2 1/8″) One of the groups commonly referred to as “Palmetto Bugs”, the American Cockroach is the largest of the roaches infesting homes. It has reddish brown wings and is a good flyer.


German Cockroach

(Length: 1/2″ – 5/8″) This roach, with two dark vertical stripes behind the head, is found throughout the world, thriving wherever man lives, eating the same foods, sharing the same habitats. It is commonly found in restaurants, kitchens and stores where food, moisture and harborage are abundant.

Dollarweed - Massey Services


Also known as Pennywort, the leaves on dollarweed are round in shape and approximately 1″ in diameter.