Tag: Termite Information

what to do when termites swarm

How to Prevent Termite Swarms

Over the last few weeks, Louisiana and Florida have experience an influx of uninvited guests. Termite Swarms are back and they aren’t going away without … Continue Reading

what to do when termites swarm

What Do You Do if You See a Termite Swarm?

Termite Swarms Are a Sign To Get Help When termites swarm indoors, it can be a traumatic experience for any homeowner. Termites infest wooden construction … Continue Reading


How To Spot a Termite Infestation

Termite infestations are often difficult for homeowners to detect because they feed and travel inside the walls of your home, which means you can’t see … Continue Reading


Termites Can Attack A Brick Home Too!

So you have a brick home and think it’s impervious to termites? Think again! Every year, termites cause millions of dollars in damage to homes … Continue Reading


How Do Termites Get Into Your Home?

There are three main areas termites can enter your home. And once they gain access, they can cause thousands of dollars in damage without you … Continue Reading