Tag: Household Pests


Dealing with Wasp Nests this Summer

As we bask in summer’s glow, we might also hear the incessant buzzing coming from flying insects, most notably wasps. These stinging insects can become … Continue Reading


Cockroach Elimination and Roach Prevention

If you live in an area of the country that is warm and humid, it’s almost guaranteed that you have either had a cockroach infestation, … Continue Reading


Spiders Are NOT Just for Halloween Season

Spiders are often associated with Halloween for several reasons.  Sometimes it’s due to folklore, other times it’s symbolism.  Or it could be something as simple … Continue Reading


Ants: Facts & Prevention

Here’s what you need to know to keep ants out of your home! You first have to figure out how they’re gaining access inside and then what … Continue Reading


German vs. American Cockroaches

German vs. American Cockroaches There are many pests that annoy us, but few are as troublesome as cockroaches. There are roughly 4,000 species of cockroaches … Continue Reading


Holiday Pests: There’s a Mouse in the House

While many of us will open the doors to family and friends this holiday season, we might not realize we may also be welcoming rodents … Continue Reading


Silverfish and How You Can Deal With Them

 It is never pleasant to be unpacking a box full of decorations from the attic or even opening a drawer only to jump at the … Continue Reading


Expect Increased Pest Activty in Fall & Winter

The extended summer pest activity, combined with the high pressure expected from fall pests, will make the upcoming seasons particularly pest heavy. The National Pest … Continue Reading


Human Head Lice: What You Need To Know

No one ever wants to receive a phone call from school explaining to them their child has head lice, but unfortunately it is all too … Continue Reading


It’s Peak Season for Wasps

With the Back to School season in full force, summer is quickly fading from our minds. But the heat and pests of summer will be … Continue Reading


Homeowner Tips to Prevent Pests from Getting Inside

Pests can find their way into our homes through avenues that are so tiny or hidden from our sight that we don’t even know they … Continue Reading


The Facts on Bed Bugs

The old-time expression “don’t let the bed bugs bite” has taken on a new meaning recently as these unwanted guests can hitchhike their way into … Continue Reading

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