Bug Type: Common Pests

By H. Zell - cropped version of File:Rattus rattus 01.JPG, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17536767

Roof Rat

(Length: 7″ – 8″ head to tail) Black or brown in color, the roof rat is slender with a tail that is usually longer than the combined length of its head and body. They are nocturnal and prefer to forage for food above ground in elevated areas indoors and outdoors.


House Mouse

(Length: 2″ – 4″ head to tail) Light brown or light grey in color, the house mouse is small and slender with large ears and small eyes. They have a keen sense of hearing, taste, smell and touch. While they are mostly active at night, they can be seen during the day searching for food.


Paper Wasps

(Length: 1/2 – 3/4″) Can be found in a variety of colors from reddish brown to dark red to orange with varying bright stripes of yellow and red. Paper wasps are predators and feed on insects, spiders and caterpillars.


Yellow Jackets

(Length: 5/8″ – 1″) Often confused with honeybees due to their yellow and black markings, they can be distinguished from bees by their thin waists. Yellow jackets are social insects and will aggressively defend their nests, which are typically located in the ground.



(Length: 1/2″) These “hairy” bees have yellow and dark brown coloring and thick bodies. They are not aggressive and will leave people alone if not provoked, but they are defensive and will attack anything that threatens the colony or individual.

Africanized "Killer" Bee - Massey Services Inc.

Africanized “Killer” Bees

(Length: 3/8″ – 1/2″) These bees look nearly identical to the well-known European honeybee, with a yellowish brown abdomen and black bands. They nest in hollow trees, sheds, porches, crawl spaces, utility meters, BBQ grills and even trash cans and other outdoor containers.


Pill Bug

(Length: 1/4″ – 3/8″) Pill bugs are found in lawn turf, under leaves or other moist areas of decaying vegetable matter. Extremes of wet, dry, or hot weather drive them inside, where they do no damage but are an annoyance.

By James Lindsey at Ecology of Commanster, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1670090


(Length: 1″ – 1 1/2″) Brownish and worm-like in appearance with many body segments, millipedes have two pairs of legs on each segment. They typically live outside in moist vegetation, leaf litter and mulch and feed upon decaying organic wood and plant matter.


House Cricket

(Length: 3/4″) The tan house cricket is found in warm, damp, dark places such as shrubs, grass, basements and crawl spaces. Active mostly at night, they will eat almost anything they can chew – from rugs to drapes.

Centipede - Massey Services


(Length: 1″ – 2″) The color of the centipede varies depending on the species, but most are brown to orange brown with many body segments. Unlike millipedes, centipedes only have one pair of legs per segment.

By Olaf Leillinger - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=929181

Clothes Moth

(Length: up to 1/2″) These are small yellowish or brownish moths. Larvae spin a silken tube or case which they drag around themselves to protect them from the environment and their natural enemies.

Widow Spider

Widow Spider

(Length: 1 1/2″ long) The Southern Black Widow is glossy black with a red hourglass marking on the underside of its abdomen. The female is much larger and more distinctly marked than the male. It makes a strong, sticky irregular web in protected areas where prey is likely to wander in and be trapped.