First Day of Summer: Keep Pests Away!

Bring on the summer picnics, cookouts…and lots of pest activity?

summerIt’s officially summer and that means an increase in pest activity. The warm, rainy weather creates the perfect breeding grounds for pests to thrive. Therefore, it’s crucial to take the necessary steps in order to prevent any unwanted guests from ruining your summer activities!

Summer Pest Prevention Tips

  • Make sure outside doors are well sealed.  If light can be seen around or under a door, then insects have space to get inside.
  • Check gutter drains to ensure water is kept away from your home.  This helps discourage moisture buildup adjacent to your home.
  • Remove excess leaves from the roof and rain gutters.  This prevents ants and other insects from breeding under the buildup.
  • Caulk all cracks and crevices.  Check and seal around window frames and around pipes entering the side of your home to prevent insects from entering.
  • Trim excess vegetation away from your home.
  • Repair torn screens.
  • Keep your pantry clean. Crumbs and sticky food residue provide an attractive food source for pests.
  • Cover paper box labels with clear tape and if you include a detailed contents sheet, make sure to place it in a sealed ziplock bag.
  • If you have house guests who have been staying in hotels or on a cruise ship, be aware that bed bugs may have hitched a ride with them. After your guests leave, carefully inspect guest rooms for any signs of bed bugs. Wash all bed linens as soon as possible.
  • Avoid bringing bed bugs home with you by taking steps to isolate your travel bags from the rest of your home if you suspect you may have stayed in a hotel with bed bugs.

Pests have many different ways to gain access inside your home using areas you may not even be aware of, so having an expert complete an inspection around your home can be very educational!