Lawn Mowing

Proper mowing practices, along with fertilization and irrigation, can largely determine the success or failure of a lawn. That’s because mowing correctly increases turf density, producing a tighter lawn. Correct cutting also promotes greater root depth. And, a dense lawn with deep roots yields numerous advantages. Count among them:

  • Greater tolerance to drought
  • Ability to withstand insects
  • A reduction in weeds
  • Disease tolerance
  • Less temperature stress
  • Survival in poor soil conditions
  • Endurance in periods of nutrient deficiencies
  • Ability to tolerate foot traffic

To determine if you are lawn mowing properly, check two factors: height and frequency. See the guide below for your lawn type.

Turfgrass Species Optimal Mowing Height (inches) Mowing Frequency (days)
Bahiagrass 3.0 – 4.0 7 – 17
Bermudagrass 0.5 – 1.5 3 – 5
Carpetgrass 1.5 – 2.0 10 – 14
Centipedegrass 1.5 – 2.0 10 – 14
Seashore Paspalum 1.0 – 2.0 5 – 10
St. Augustinegrass 2.5 – 4.0 5 – 14
Zoysiagrass 1.0 – 3.0 10 – 14

For more tips like these from our professionals, or to find out how our GreenUP Landscape Service can make your lawn beautiful, click here to schedule a Free Landscape Inspection or call 1-888-2MASSEY (262-7739).