How long do mosquitoes live?
The summer seasons bring us warmer weather and the chance to enjoy outdoor activities. However, it’s also the perfect time for mosquitoes to thrive. Here’s what you need to know about mosquitoes including how long they live and how you can prevent them.
How long do mosquitoes live?
The life span of a mosquito ultimately depends on the species. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, it takes approximately anywhere from four days to a month for a mosquito to become an adult. Once they’re an adult, they can survive between two weeks to two months depending on their habitat and the weather conditions.
What is the mosquito life cycle?
Mosquitoes develop through four different forms during their life cycle: egg, larva, pupa and adult.

Below is more information about each life cycle. Information courteous of University of Florida.
Mosquito eggs can vary in size depending on the species, however, most eggs are smaller than a grain of ground pepper – you could say they’re almost microscopic. Eggs are typically laid in two places: water or a moist surface.
If they’re laid in water, they are called permanent water eggs. These eggs cannot withstand drying out and hatch within a couple days.
If they’re laid on a moist surface, they are called floodwater eggs. These eggs require a period of drying out and then hatch when covered with water.
Mosquito larvae live in water and only come to the surface to breathe. They cannot survive outside of water. As they grow, they shed their skin four times before transforming into their next life cycle.
Larvae feed on organic matter and living organisms such as algae, bacteria, copepods, yeast and other microorganisms. The larval stage can last between several days to several months depending on the type of species and water temperature.
Like the larval stage, pupae live in water, only come up to the surface to breathe and cannot survive outside of water. Unlike the previous stage, pupae cannot feed because their mouthparts are inside the pupal skin and are not functional. They survive on the energy they reserved from the larval stage. This stage lasts only two or three days.
After the short-lived pupal stage, the mosquito’s head and thorax split open allowing the adult mosquito to crawl out onto the water’s surface. Before it can fly, the wings must dry and harden which takes approximately four minutes.
Is there a way to prevent mosquitoes from breeding on my property?
Yes! There are things you can frequently do around your property to help reduce mosquito populations and eliminate breeding sites. The best thing is to regularly walk around your property, look for any items that are holding standing water and empty them. Here are some common items you can look for:
- Flowerpots
- Grill cover
- Baby pool
- Birdbath
- Tires
- Trash cans
- Buckets
- Children’s toys or playground sets
- Water bowl for pets

What are the benefits of mosquito prevention?
According to the University of Florida, there are several benefits to homeowners who are actively reducing mosquito populations around their home, including:
- Reduction of pesticide application
- Reduction of the risk of contracting mosquito-borne illnesses
- Further helps the local government who are responsible for area-wide control
How does Massey’s mosquito prevention services work?
First, we start with a thorough inspection of your property to determine areas for treatment. Then we develop a customized plan to minimize breeding sites and mosquitoes around your home. With our mosquito program, you will get the following:
- A barrier application around your entire property
- A larvicide treatment applied to breeding ground areas such as gutters, drains and potted plants
- Residual material application to mosquito resting areas such as shrubs, underneath decks and patio furniture
- A biological control mechanism to further reduce mosquito populations (trapping devices and repellent systems)
- A list of recommendations explaining how you can help further reduce mosquito populations
Mosquitoes are pesky creatures that have been around for thousands of years and have always posed a health threat to humans. By identifying and eliminating sources of mosquito breeding sites around your home, you help advance the health and quality of life for you, your family and your neighbors.
For more information on Massey’s mosquito prevention services, CLICK HERE to schedule your free,
no-obligation inspection and talk to one of our professionals about how our customized program will help you reduce mosquitoes around your home!