Termites: A $5 Billion Dollar Threat

Termites are destructive pests. According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) it is estimated that termites cause more than $5 billion in property damage each year.

termite damage

Due to the hidden nature of their attack, major damage can occur before they are even detected. Even worse, where you live does not matter to termites. They can get into any home, whether its brick, block or stucco, even homes built on concrete slabs. Preventive treatment is prudent and is recommended as every home is at risk.

Here are a few warning signs that termites may have already invaded your home:

  • Termite Wings:  Wings are often present after a termite swarm.  They are typically found in small piles near window ledges or other light sources.
  • Powder:  Powder post beetles leave evidence of their presence with piles of a fine, talc-like powder around furniture, flooring and any housing structure made of wood.
  • Mud Tubes:  Mud tubes are made of particles of soil, wood and debris.  These tubes allow subterranean termites to reach food sources above ground level.
  • Damaged Wood:  Damaged wood includes wood that sounds “hollow” when it is tapped with the handle of a screwdriver or wood that is soft when probed with a sharp object.
  • Small Holes or Ripples in Drywall:  When termites damage wood within your home, they often create tiny holes in the drywall.  Extensive damage to the wood can make the drywall look rippled.
  • Pellets:  Drywood termites excrete pellets that are kicked out of holes.  These pellets often accumulate in piles on window sills, baseboards and under wooden objects.

If you see any of these signs around your home and would like a free termite control inspection, CLICK HERE. We’ll complete a thorough analysis of your home – inside, outside, over and under – and recommend a termite protection program that’s right for your home.