Team Member Spotlight – Grace Rodriguez
At Massey Services, we’re excited to recognize outstanding Team Members for their hard work and dedication throughout their years of service.
We have amazing team members with many backgrounds and different personalities who have a real passion for what they do.
In this new blog series called “We Are Massey,” we’ll be showcasing Massey Team Members from our Corporate Headquarters and your local Service Center, who represent why our people Make the Difference. By doing so, we want to give you the ability to learn more about their lives – both professional and personal – and get a glimpse into what motivates them in their career at Massey Services!
Today, we shine the spotlight on Grace Rodriguez, Senior Accounts Receivable Specialist from our Accounting Department, for her dedication to our Company and Customers.

Grace with her husband at our Annual Eagle Circle Awards Banquet.
Grace’s attention to detail, desire to help and warming personality are just a few traits that contribute to her success. She is a key member of Massey Services Accounts Receivable team and steps in wherever needed with a sense of ownership. With a great, professional attitude toward Customers and Team Members, and constantly demonstrating a passion for excellence, Grace shows that when you put your mind to it you can excel.
Let’s dive in and get to know Grace!
The Basics

Grace and Cindy Nolder, our Director of Subsidiary Accounting, plan and deliver our Corporate Thanksgiving Luncheon every year!
Grace Rodriguez
Pueblo, CO
Current City:
Altamonte Springs, FL
Job Title:
Senior A/R Specialist
Years of Service:
20 amazing years!
Meet Grace Rodriguez
Who do you admire and why?
Our military; they are amazing people. I feel that is one of the most stressful jobs and they do it all for us, the United States of America.
What Jeopardy category could you clear, no problem?
Anything to do with children!

Grace is committed to her family and loves spending time with them!
Favorite Snack?
Suzy Q’s
Favorite Sports Team?
Denver Broncos
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
“Accept people for who they are, not what they have. We are all human.”
~ My Mother
What is the one thing you can’t live without?
My family. I love my family, they are everything to me. I am very blessed to be a woman, wife, mother and an abuela (grandmother in Spanish)!
What TV show/movie are you ashamed to admit you love?
What is your hidden talent?
You know, I surprise myself a lot. I have such an imagination!
Three words to best describe you:
- Loving
- Strong
- Dependable
The Career

Grace with her Accounts Receivable Team Members!
Tell us about your job:
I work in Accounts Receivable and take much pride in what I do. I enjoy being able to help my Team Members in whatever needs to be done. Most importantly, I help our Customers, which I enjoy the most because I get to know them while Making A Difference!
What does your average day look like?
Very busy. Every day is always different.
Share a notable experience you’ve had at work:
It was October 16, 2017, which was my 20th Masseyversary. My Team Members made me feel very special with flowers, a special bracelet and a homemade breakfast that they prepared with their hands. I will always cherish that moment of appreciation!
Who do you look to for inspiration?
What motivates you to wake up and go to work?
My family and knowing I’m blessed to have a job!
Thank You Grace Rodriguez!
Massey Services thanks Grace for her 20 years of dedication to our Team Members, Customers, and Company.
She is known for her ability to maintain a positive attitude even through adversity and for always trying to go above and beyond to help our Customers. She enjoys teaching, coaching and developing Team Members and makes those around her better. It’s for these reasons that we showcase Grace in this month’s Team Member Spotlight. She truly proves every day that Our People Make The Difference!