Massey Services Irrigation Recycling Program FAQ
Recently, we launched an irrigation recycling program. We’re excited to participate in this program and join Hunter Industries’ cooperative e-waste recycling program to recycle replaced irrigation controllers.
Here are some frequently asked questions regarding our new recycling program.
What is the irrigation recycling program?
Massey Services’ recycling program will properly recycle used irrigation controllers to help reduce and prevent electronic waste.
How does the program work?
When a customer requires a new irrigation controller, Massey Services will replace the old controller with a new one as part of our Irrigation Maintenance Program. The replaced controller is then picked up from our service center by a third-party vendor and delivered to a professional recycling company.
How is Hunter Industries involved in the program?
Hunter Industries, a global leader in the Irrigation Industry, has agreed to sponsor this initiative by assisting with the shipping costs to the recycler. Massey has worked with Hunter Industries for many years and both companies have a strong focus on sustainability.
Who receives the replaced irrigation controllers for recycling?
Our irrigation distribution partners will pick up the replaced irrigation controllers from Massey Services and ship them to BlueStar Recyclers.
Who is BlueStar Recyclers?
BlueStar Recyclers is a nationally recognized nonprofit social enterprise with a mission of recycling electronics to create jobs for people with disabilities. To this date, the organization has produced significant social, environmental, and economic impact, including:
- 50 permanent jobs for people with disabilities
- Certified recycling of over 24 million pounds of electronics
- Over $18 million in social return on investment through their five locations
Why did Massey Services choose to recycle the controllers?
Massey Services creates and deploys sustainable business practices that protect health, food, property and the quality of our environment. By recycling irrigation controllers, we help to prevent electronic waste.
Non-recycled irrigation controllers will eventually end up in a landfill. The electronic components contain potentially toxic materials, including lead, arsenic, mercury, lithium, and cadmium – all elements that can become pollutants of the atmosphere, soil and groundwater when disposed of improperly.
How many irrigation controllers does Massey Services replace per year?
Massey Services replaces 2,000 to 2,500 irrigation controllers each year. Through the first nine months of 2020 alone, our company has replaced over 1,500 controllers.
Does it cost me anything to participate in this program?
The only costs you will have to cover is the new irrigation controller and our professional installation. There are no additional or hidden fees that contribute to our recycling program.
Should I replace my irrigation controller?
It depends. Irrigation controllers can last anywhere from five to ten years, depending on the make and model.
How do I know if I should replace my irrigation controller?
We recommend that your landscape or irrigation specialist check your current irrigation controller during your next service or irrigation inspection. They will provide a recommendation on whether it should be replaced and provide you a quote.
Click here to read our official press release about our recycling program.