Keep Rodents Out by Pest-Proofing This Winter

When cooler weather conditions roll in, many pests and rodents such as rats, mice, and even larger mammals will be attempting to enter homes this winter as they seek shelter to escape the elements. According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), rodents alone invade an estimated 21 million homes in the U.S. each winter.

With 24% of homeowners reporting mice infestations specifically in the winter, they are among one of the top pest issues of the season. An infestation by these pests can cause serious health and property issues if not properly dealt with in a timely manner.

Health Threats and Property Damage

Mice and rats can pose health threats by spreading diseases like Salmonella and other foodborne diseases when they contaminate food with feces, urine or saliva. They can bring fleas, ticks, and lice indoors that can lead to infestations. Rodents can also cause serious structural damage by chewing through wood and electrical wiring, increasing the risk of electrical fires.

Entry Points

Rodents can squeeze through any opening their heads can fit through. For mice that can be an opening as small as ¼ inch. Eliminating all possible rodent entry points is key to keeping these pests out. Homeowners can help prevent infestation troubles by taking a proactive approach in eliminating entryways into the home.

To prevent pests from infesting your home this winter, we recommend following these tips:

  • Seal cracks and holes around pipes on the outside of the home and make sure the underside of the metal barrier that covers the air conditioning conduits to the attic is sealed as well.
  • Check the edges of the garage door to make sure there are no gaps or openings.
  • Pick up any trash or debris around the outside of your home that could provide a shelter for rodents.
  • Keep branches and shrubbery trimmed away from the home.
  • Keep garbage cans sealed and eliminate any areas of standing water.

For more information on preventing rodents from entering your home, contact us for a free, no obligation inspection by CLICKING HERE.