How to Spot Sod Webworms in your Landscape
You’ve worked hard to grow the kind of turf that makes your neighbors turn green with envy – and then “they” show up. They are Florida sod webworms, and they love to eat away at lush, green grass, turning a manicured lawn into a brown patchy mess. Massey Services can help keep them at bay.
Sod webworms start life as an egg laid by an adult moth. The eggs hatch into caterpillars that are about an inch in length. These brown and green caterpillars are not discriminating in which lawn they eat, chewing away at grassy golf courses, athletic fields, parks, and residential yards. The caterpillars eventually become adult moths and the cycle starts all over again. While sod webworms are most prominent during the hot summer months and typically peak in August, the insects can still be found year-round in South Florida, and may appear as early as April in North Florida.
Here are some tips on how to spot an infestation of these pesky, grass-eating bugs:
• Small, brownish-gray moths flying around in the late afternoon
• Jagged or uneven patches in the lawn
• White or brown spots on grass blades
Ongoing lawn treatment is the best way to help target sod webworms. If you suspect you may have sod webworms in your landscape, contact us for a free, detailed inspection. We’ll identify these pests and put together a plan to eliminate them.