Are Bed Bugs Active?

Bed bugs are just one of few pests that are common from June through October and can be real nuisances for homes, property owners and especially, hotels. According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), these pests are the busiest in the summer months. These critters are excellent hitchhikers, and while they are not known to carry diseases, they have been known to leave people waking up with itchy bites on their body. They have been known to be found in luggage and are extremely prevalent in big cities such as Chicago and Los Angeles due to increased tourism.

What are bed bugs and when are they active?

Bed bugs are small insects that survive on human blood. These pests feed by piercing the skin and withdrawing blood through an elongated beak which results in small itchy welts known as bed bug bites. Bed bugs typically draw blood for about five minutes before retreating to digest. 

These insects are typically active during the night and bite unsuspecting individuals while they are asleep. However, they can also feed during the day and are able to live several months without a meal.

Pictured: bed bug bite.

Where can I find bed bugs?

These pests can hide almost anywhere including:

-Laptop cases-Bedding
-Mattresses-Electrical switch plates
-Picture frames-Behind wallpaper
-Bus seats-Baseboards

They can be found in areas with higher numbers of humans including nursing homes, hotels, schools, hospitals, public transportation, daycare centers and offices.

What do bed bugs look like? 

Adults are reddish brown, flattened, oval and wingless, with a banded appearance. Most are the shape of an apple seed. Additionally, immature bed bugs are translucent in color while adults tend to be darker brown. In the daytime, they tend to stay out of the light, preferring to remain hidden.

Bed bugs are quite common. In fact, one out of five Americans has had a bed bug infestation in their home or knows someone who has encountered them at home or in a hotel.

While they feed primarily on human blood, they sometimes will seek a blood meal from animals as well. Due to the fact that these pests live exclusively on blood, discovering these pests in your home should not be taken as a sign of messiness. It’s known that people have discovered these pests in the tidiest of homes. Signs of an infestation include rusty spots or bloodstains on bed linens, mattresses and headboards.

The female can produce 200-500 healthy eggs during her lifetime and can also lay about five eggs every day. Because of this, the probability of an infestation can be high. When the pests hatch, they are so tiny that they can pass through a stitch-hole in a mattress which can become problematic.

How do I get rid of bed bugs? 

To effectively rid of a bed bug infestation, you should always call a professional to apply treatment. At Massey Services, we can provide traditional treatment applications or provide heat remediation to eliminate the them. 

There are ways you can check for these pests around your home:

  • Pull pillows and sheets down about 1/3 of the way from the top of the bed and look for reddish-brown or black spots on the sheets near the bed’s headboard. You may not see the actual bugs themselves but they do leave a trail of spots.
  • Look for spots on mattresses, pillows, headboards and walls behind headboards.
  • Check the inside of dresser drawers for insects and black spots.

If you think you have a bed bug infestation, the best thing to do is to call a professional. At Massey Services, our experts are trained to eliminate bed bugs at all stages of life. 

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