Sentricon® FAQ

Will My Termite Protection Be Affected by the Flood?

Please be assured, despite any water damage to your home, your Massey Guarantee will remain intact and we will ensure your home is protected against termites.

How Will the Termite Baiting System React During a Flood?

If the Sentricon® System and stations around your home remain in the ground after the flood, your home is still protected. Once a Sentricon® station dries out, termites return to the bait in the station. Most importantly, bait remains attractive to termites.

Will It Be Necessary to Add New Bait Stations after the Flood?

To be safe, Sentricon® stations should be checked and replaced if necessary. Your termite protection includes addition or replacement of missing stations.  A Massey Technician will provide a thorough inspection of your property to ensure you have proper coverage.

If My Drywall is Removed, Is There Anything I Should Do Before It’s Replaced?

Yes.  At Massey Services we strongly recommend that these areas be treated with Bora-Care before the drywall is replaced.  The Bora-Care treatment penetrates the wood in the structure and remains there for the life of the wood, providing residual protection.  Please call to schedule your Bora-Care treatment at 1-844-797-7406.  This treatment will be provided at no additional cost to you. 

How Does Flooding Affect the Spread of Formosan Termites?

Formosan termites are common throughout the southeast and many homeowners are curious as to how flooding affects the risk of Formosan termite infestation. When moderate to severe flooding occurs, the aftermath typically involves homeowners and construction crews gathering and relocating soil and other debris during the cleanup process. The mulches and damaged structures that are transported could be infested with termites; this enables them to spread to different areas more easily. It is because the Formosan termites may be relocated to different neighborhoods and regions after a flood that it is so important to have your home completely inspected as early as possible.