Structural damage isn’t the only problem that hurricanes leave behind. Pests may also become a significant problem because their nesting areas have been displaced. When this occurs, pests will seek out new areas that provide shelter, food and moisture – and your home offers them the perfect environment.

As part of our thorough pest inspection, we’ll focus on eliminating any new conditions, avenues, and sources around your home that the rain and floods may have caused. This includes areas such as:

  • Conditions:  Pest infestations start outside your home in conditions where they live and breed such as standing water and wood or debris stored near your home’s foundation.
  • Avenues:  Pests use ready-made pathways to get inside your home such as unsealed cracks and crevices in walls and the foundation, limbs of trees and shrubs touching the roof, or breaks in caulking or weather stripping around windows and doors.
  • Sources:  Pests breed near areas that provide a food supply such as mulch beds, accumulated leaves, or clogged drain gutters.

We’ll eliminate these areas by caulking and sealing around windows and doors, pruning back vegetation that is touching the home, and providing additional written recommendations to you that will help keep pests from gaining access inside your home.

Additionally, due to the standing water, mosquitoes can become a significant problem. Make sure you are taking the proper precautions to guard yourself and your family against mosquitoes. This includes the following:

  • Use insect repellent containing DEET on exposed skin
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long-legged pants, preferably treated with repellent
  • Avoid going outdoors when mosquitoes are most active:  dusk and dawn
  • Replace all standing water at least once a week (bird bath, unfiltered pools, toys, potted plants, etc.)

If you need any help with your pest needs, please don’t hesitate to contact Massey Services at


We’re here to help!

Customer Reviews

Kissimmee, FL

Pest Control

“Thank you for coming out and doing a great job treating these pesky ants. Our technician had serviced my parent’s house for 5 years, which is now my family’s house. He remembered where everything was and he was very professional. Looking forward to continuing our Massey service.” -Brittany C.

Brandon, FL

Pest Control

“My technician came out and provided stellar services. I highly recommend the guys from Massey Services. He was on time and thorough with the information shared and services provided. Thanks a million for helping me eliminate my pest problems.” -R. Harrigan

Charleston, SC

Pest Control

“Our technician was professional, helpful and went above and beyond with his services. I highly recommend Massey Services. They keep the never-ending Charleston bugs out of my home!”  -R. Fernandes

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